Tuesday, May 11, 2010

EI 3.3 Improving Self Management

If you reflect back in your life, do you find some incidents where you created problems for yourself by speaking too much? are there some moments in your life where you could have rather stayed quiet and things would have been better if you had not blurted out things?

The last part of Self Management today covers three valuable techniques to improve self management skills. These are simple, yet effective and have a great potential to make your life happier.

1. Sleep over It: As a rule, do not try to solve things after 8 pm in the night. If something is bothering you too much and you want to discuss it with someone so that you may get over with it, take my advice and postpone it till next morning. A large number of our issues, situations and problems get sorted out more easily and quickly if we allow it some more time. You must have come across some people who will be stressed out as if heavens are going to fall. Most of these people try to fix things in the evening hours. Follow the rule of nature. Evenings are for relaxing and doing work peacefully. Sometimes situations that require our patience can feel so uncomfortable, dissatisfying, and filled with anxiety that we jump to action just to alleviate the internal turmoil. But more often than not, giving yourself that extra day to digest the situation before moving forward is all you need to stay in control. And sometimes, while you're waiting, things may surface that make your decision that much easier to make.

2. Count to Ten: This is something that you would have learnt a long time ago perhaps in your primary school. You teacher would have told you this technique when you were a child to control you anger. It is amazing that such a simple technique like this can really help you big time in managing yourself well in emotionally challenging situations. The next time you are in a meeting and are finding it difficult to stop yourself from interrupting someone who is speaking. Or if you are getting red with anger on your child for something that he/she has been doing repeatedly in spite of you having explained many times that it shouldn't be done. Or if there is an irritating person, who is going on and on with his irritating behaviour, tempting you to explode, try this. Start counting from one to ten and exhale with every count. I can bet that if you can stop yourself from exploding till the time you reach ten, you will not be able to explode. In fact, you will be able to think peacefully and may be you will see an alternate, more amicable way to settle it.
3. Focus on the freedom rather than the restriction: We are brought up in such a manner that we learn to focus on the restrictions which we are not supposed to break. So much of our attention sometimes gets diverted on maintaining discipline that we miss out enjoying the fun. When we are in a difficult situation, we tend to focus so much on the difficulty that we miss out the fact that we have a say in the situation in terms of our perspective of the situation. In fact however big the difficulty you face, your own outlook towards it is a major force that you can use to overcome that. If you can shift your focus to the things and variables that you can influence, every difficulty has a way out. So be aware of the restrictions, be aware of the difficulties, but focus on the area within where you have leverage. This is the golden rule of self management.


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